Client Story: Climate Friendly Strategic Annual Planning
Delivering a strategically aligned, consistent and repeatable approach to annual planning for the Climate Friendly team.
Delivering a strategically aligned, consistent and repeatable approach to annual planning for the Climate Friendly team.
Helping Climate Friendly plan for their next horizon of growth in carbon farming.
Climate Friendly’s driving purpose is to decarbonise Australia’s land sector, which is responsible for approximately 20% of the nation’s Greenhouse Gas emissions.
By partnering with land managers, Traditional Owners and conservation groups on 160+ high integrity carbon farming projects across 10 million hectares, Climate Friendly is helping create a productive, sustainable sector that contributes to Net Zero emissions and a nature positive Australia by 2050.
Its efforts align with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s call for the world to rapidly increase land-based carbon sequestration and storage as the only available method to draw CO2 from the atmosphere at scale, to limit global warming to between 1.5 and 2C.
Climate Friendly has already achieved more than 20MT of stored carbon through its projects. Its aim is to establish partnerships by 2025, that will store 150MT of carbon over their project lifecycles, while repairing nature and supporting reconciliation.
To support ongoing growth and pursuit of its purpose, Climate Friendly engaged Tightrope to support its annual strategic planning process.
Tightrope worked with the Executive and Team Leads to define and facilitate a consistent and repeatable approach to planning across the whole organisation. Resulting in strategically aligned team-level objectives, resource plans and initiatives aligned with Climate Friendly’s strategic goals.
Tightrope implemented a consistent and repeatable approach to business planning, creating the linkage between strategic plan, operational plan, budget, and individual objectives.
Starting with the Strategic plan, Tightrope helped Climate Friendly cascade strategic goals to team level objectives, resource plans and initiatives for the next 12 months. The plans provided the evidence base to make informed budgeting decisions, allocating resources to the most strategically aligned objectives and initiatives.
Learn more about Climate Friendly and the role they are playing in carbon farming in Australia:
“This process has really set us up for scale. Throughout this exercise we’ve got renewed clarity on our operations, our capacity to grow and how we, as a business, need to collaborate to drive outcomes. Having the support from Tightrope to come in, understand our business and work across the whole business to map out our strategic plan for the next 12 months has really set us up for execution success”
Thanks to Climate Friendly for the amazing role you play in supporting a zero net emission Australia by 2050, and to the team for partnering with us on this engagement. Well done to all involved.